
3 Comments | Last Updated 24th June 2008 | Added 18th May 2008 | Edit Details | Edit Photos | Edit Menus


Yum Bar & Restaurant in the Stranmillis area.

Information and Contact Details

Food Type
157 Stranmillis Road
County Antrim
Post Code

Food Hygiene Rating Score

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Customer Comments and Reviews of Yum

There now follows 3 comments about Yum. You can also (no signup required).

it is yum not vegan friendly, why???????

Submitted on 26th July 2009

have had the pleasure of dining here a few times. pleasant surroundings, pleasant staff and food to die for whether its just a burger or full meal its always fresh and delilious good value for money and plenty of it! great variety in the menu something to please everyone and children friendly

Submitted by sue maguire on 22nd October 2008

I have been to Yum two or three times over the same number of months and I have to say that the food certainly lives up to its name. Unfortunately the service leaves a lot to be desired. Do not attend this restaurant if you don't want to be put off your food by bad staff management and poor servers.

Submitted by Danielle on 9th June 2008

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