Tikka Tikka

4 Comments | Last Updated 24th July 2010 | Added 24th June 2010 | Edit Details | Edit Photos | Edit Menus

Tikka Tikka

New modern indian takeaway opened in june on the ormeau road. great tasting curries and also specialise in a wide range of delicious mouthwatering kebabs

Information and Contact Details

Food Type
246 Ormeau Road
County Antrim
Post Code

Food Hygiene Rating Score

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Customer Comments and Reviews of Tikka Tikka

There now follows 4 comments about Tikka Tikka. You can also (no signup required).

tried this place recently. i ordered a mixed kebab and starter of salted chilli prawns. excellent portion sizes. Prawns were very tasty and the kebab was humongous. I come here every weekend with my girlfriend and are going back tomorrow!!!! cant wait

Submitted by peter spence on 12th August 2010

i completed disagree with the bad reviews.....thought tikka tikka was excellent.....wen i tried it the first time, thought it was delicious...never been back to another indian after that

Submitted by Siobhan Moran on 12th August 2010

name tikka tikka but chicken tikka is really blend horrable taste not impressed

Submitted by jako on 1st August 2010

counter servce very frendiy tasty food 2 go for

Submitted by sharon on 17th July 2010

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