The Stables

5 Comments | Last Updated 28th July 2016 | Added 6th November 2008 | Edit Details | Edit Photos | Edit Menus

The Stables

The Stables in Groomsport near Bangor.

Information and Contact Details

Food Type
Donaghadee Road
County Antrim
Post Code
BT19 6LG

Food Hygiene Rating Score

Food Standards Agency Rating

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Customer Comments and Reviews of The Stables

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I found these reviews--after our visit to the Stables 20/8/11 ,as a G,port lass over 30 years ago and a 2-3 times a year customer I have to agree the food was not good, not hot,2 meals came with veg but only one portion was served, husbands scampi was stodgy,mostly batter,place was busy so we were going to say nothing then i noticed at least a teaspoon of sediment in bottom of glass,dirty looking, mentioned to waitress who said yes its quite often like that its just the way it is! we didnt ask for any recompence or apology at this point just writing it off as bad day, just then manager sailed past and threw over his sholder--everything alright-- husband said well no actually-- downhill from here on--manager supercillious,husband got rattled,man.said would tell supplier,(although not suppliers problem at this point) husband asked to be informed of outcome by letter, man sneered he would take our address, which he did not in the event, we decided to just go, my adult daughter was not at table during this interchange, I went to bar to pay, no reduction on bill,just paid without comment, as we left daughter overheard manager say to barman-- THATS the sediment!!! not good!

Submitted by Elizabeth on 29th August 2011

Cleanliness poor, table sticky and food on the floor. Sandwiches had been sitting as the bread was hard and by the smell and taste of the chips the oil needed changed! Waitress who took our order was very pleasant but the gentleman who brought our food dropped chips from the bowl on to the table and left them there - wasn't a problem in the end as they tasted so bad.

Submitted by James on 16th April 2011

A similar thing happened to me. I ordered several soft drinks and a lime and soda for myself and i nearly died when I got the bill. I also spoke to the "manager" of the Stables about this and I was treated very badly. He (the Manager) was even getting angry with me.

This is a place to go if money is no object or if you don't have to care about money. Only those sort of people would be willing to pay Â�£4.50 for a glass of soda water and lime and not even bat an eyelid.

A horribly pretentious place, full of horrible, pretentious people. But then, Groomsport itself seemed to be of that ilk. Plenty of gas-guzzling 4x4s driving around and you only have to look at the litter on the beach to see how very pretentious and shallow the residents are. I would not recommend this place to anyone! Get down to the fish and chip shop on the corner instead, or try McDonalds

Submitted by Anon on 12th July 2010

Boring menu; food not great quality and very overpriced; desserts are AWFUL!!!

Service is very poor - we had to ask for everything at least twice.

The restaurant was very cold the day we went and also quite noisy.

All in all NOT a good experience. Won't be back and wouldn't recommend it to anyone!

Submitted by LUK on 8th March 2010

The Stables........ I took my parents and my partner to the Stables on the 17/10/09 for a meal. We had the meal (noting special) and everything was fine until I received the bill. The food was reasonably priced at around ?10 per main course but then I noticed the drinks bill - ?15 for 5 soft drinks!!!!!

To cut a not so long story short, my pint soda water and lime cost me ?4.50! Unfortunately I had 2 pints (not knowing the price) which cost nearly a tenner! I queried the bill with the waitress who confirmed it was correct but then added that it was a disgrace. I asked to speak to the manager and was confronted by a obnoxious little man who tried to tell me that ?4.50 was the going rate in he Bangor area! I'm not to sure what planet the 'little man' was from (maybe Mars) but where I come from (Oxford) you don't pay more than a quid, max.

All I can say is, don't get ripped of by these money grabbing people, go somewhere else - DON'T GO!

Submitted by steve on 19th October 2009

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