The Square Cafe & Restaurant

1 Comments | Last Updated 19th May 2009 | Added 8th May 2008 | Edit Details | Edit Photos | Edit Menus

The Square Cafe & Restaurant

The square opening hours are Monday - Friday 12 - 3pm & 5.30 - 9.30 Saturday 12 - 3pm & 6pm - 10pm

Information and Contact Details

Food Type
89 Dublin Road
County Antrim
Post Code

Food Hygiene Rating Score

Food Standards Agency Rating

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Customer Comments and Reviews of The Square Cafe & Restaurant

There now follows 1 comments about The Square Cafe & Restaurant. You can also (no signup required).

The square is a really nice place to eat but there is not alot of advertising done for the place i dont think.not alot of people talk about it.

Submitted on 19th May 2009

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