The Rose Cafe

1 Comments | Last Updated 15th November 2012 | Added 15th November 2012 | Edit Details | Edit Photos | Edit Menus

The Rose Cafe

What a FANTASTIC find.
Was driving through Portglenone on a wet miserable afternoon....missed lunch and couldn't bear the thought of that appeared to be all that was on offer everywhere else....when I saw the cute little stone fronted restaurant.
I stopped for a look and was delighted with my find. The restaurant is the kind of little independant family run cafe restaurant you dream of finding...but never do. Warm and inviting, nice atmosphere, great simple decor.....and the food.....mmmmmm....ALL HOMEMADE....FRESH...LOCAL produce. Cooked fresh to order by the Owner...Louise....who was an absolute Star.
I need a gluten free diet and tend to hate that awkward moment when the subject is broached and the server doesn't know if ANY of the food is Gluten free........NOT A PROBLEM HERE...Louise has structured her menu to be Gluten free if at all possible, so I could choose pretty much anything i liked......THAT NEVER NORMALLY HAPPENS.
I decided ...sod lunch...and went fora bit of an early tes treating myself to her home made chicken soup....followed by ...again....home made Beef Stroganoff......AMAZING.
I hope you can tell by my comments how enthused i am about this place and the staff....setting etc.
They run Bistro nights a few times a month and have a FREE Bring your own policy. This is just ridiculous value considering how reasonable the price of the menu is to start with and is definitely on my list to do soon.
I would give this place 11 out of 10 it it was possible.......but really one word says all.....FANTASTIC!!!!!

Information and Contact Details

Food Type
38A Main Street,
County Antrim
Post Code
BT44 8HS

Food Hygiene Rating Score

Food Standards Agency Rating

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Customer Comments and Reviews of The Rose Cafe

There now follows 1 comments about The Rose Cafe. You can also (no signup required).

I to have been to this cracker little cafe, very friendly staff, was packed when i was there, but the food was great, had Turkey and Ham dinner and the wife had chicken curry 1/2 1/2. We followed this with homemade cheese cake icecream, and finnished with lattes, all better than most restuarants we've payed 4 times as much at. The Staff sang happy birthday to a girl at the next table very enthuiasticly, then put there name up on a chalk board as a special person for the day, a nice touch. Would highly recommend 10 out of 10

Submitted by John McCann on 17th April 2013

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