Shaheen Tandoori

10 Comments | Last Updated 25th January 2011 | Added 21st March 2009 | Edit Details | Edit Photos | Edit Menus

Shaheen Tandoori

Shaheen Tandoori in an Indian Carry Out

Information and Contact Details

Food Type
The Throne Centre, 250 Whitewell Road
County Antrim
Post Code
BT36 7NH

Food Hygiene Rating Score

Food Standards Agency Rating

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Customer Comments and Reviews of Shaheen Tandoori

There now follows 10 comments about Shaheen Tandoori. You can also (no signup required).

Mixed kebab on chips (doner chicken) 3 pieces of chicken and box full of doner... House sauce was just a mix of chilli sauce, mayo and probably water...

Never ever again!

Submitted by Mark on 26th May 2014

i went to shaheen tandoori one day and i tried a couple of dishes and the quality was very high standered and i'm very pleased to tell everyone to go and try it their hygiene rating is very good 5 stars and i think they deserved it

Submitted by steven d on 14th August 2013

I have been using this Indian takeaway for several years and would consider it to be a high class establishment offering the finest quality in Indian cuisine, freshly prepared , at affordable prices. The owner goes out of his way to ensure friendly efficient service and a memorable dining experience .I would rate Shaheen the best Indian takeaway in the Belfast/Newtownabbey area. I'm fortunate to have it at my doorstep!!

Submitted by Gerry on 2nd August 2013

Try jall jall chicken it can not be beaten in Belfast it's quality is so high its freshly cooked and delicious I go there quite a lot for milder food lovers try the makhani chicken with rice,nan bread or chips.

Submitted by Mark D on 4th December 2012

One day i went to shaheen tandoori i loved i brought my kids and they got the kids meal they loved it we always go there now

Submitted by Julie L on 29th November 2012

I have tried most of the Indian food in Newtownabbey.

Last year I went to Shaheen Tandoori I tried the chicken jalfrazi and lamb madras they are the best Indian food I have ever tasted in Belfast. I still go to Shaheen Tandoori. I strongly recommend you to try their food. Shaheen Tandoori is the best in Newtownabbey.

Submitted by Julie S on 27th November 2012

I have been using Shaheen Tandoori for over 4 years since the shop was located round the corner at the Throne Centre.

Firstly I would say that the kithchen and food preparation area is extremely clean and hygenic.

All the dishes are made-to-order using fresh ingredients and are usually of a high standard.

My critisism of Shaheen Tandoori is that the quality of the food has recently gone downhill in the last 12 months, I am not the only person to mention this and I don't know why this has happened.

Please sort this out, Shaheen's food used to be the best Indian food in Newtownabbey and North Belfast, let's go back to how it used to be.

Submitted by Carl H on 3rd January 2012

try the lamb tikki chilli massala to blow your mind!

Submitted on 27th November 2011

Kebab with chilli sauce can not be beaten. I would pay any amount for them!

Submitted by David J on 11th August 2011

Their kebabs are excellent. They do them in naan bread that is freshly made there and then. Highly recommended...

Submitted by Darren on 12th November 2010

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