
5 Comments | Last Updated 28th July 2016 | Added 28th May 2008 | Edit Details | Edit Photos | Edit Menus


Rajput on the Lisburn Road in Belfast.

Information and Contact Details

Food Type
461 Lisburn Road
County Antrim
Post Code

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Customer Comments and Reviews of Rajput

There now follows 5 comments about Rajput. You can also (no signup required).

We ordered a delivery. The starter was average. I ordered tikka masala. The dish I received did not resemble tikka masala and was inedible. The other dish ordered was average.

We were disappointed after seeing the reviews. Would not recommend.

Submitted by anonymous on 18th December 2010

Found the food quite bland, the decor was very dated also my friend was a smoker and there was no smoking area. Would rate it average to poor.

Submitted by Robert on 7th November 2010

Been going here for years, without doubt the best place to get a curry in NI.

It really is that good

Submitted on 15th June 2010

Traditional Indian meals with a wide range of options. Business lunch is especially good value.

Friendly service and the best cuuries in NI

Submitted by PETER on 29th January 2010

I have eaten in all of the new and old Indian restaurants in this part of Belfast. The food here is better than all others. The price is good value and the service friendly. The decor is old fashioned. Number 1 in my book.

Submitted on 30th December 2009

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