Portaferry Hotel

0 Comments | Last Updated 2nd August 2011 | Added 2nd August 2011 | Edit Details | Edit Photos | Edit Menus

Portaferry Hotel

I visited the Portaferry Hotel for lunch in the Bar/Bistro and was underwhelmed by the experience. The food was pleasing enough but portions were small and wildly over-priced (I had Scampi and Chips at �£13.95 which was tasty if a little frugal and my wife paid �£10.95 for Prawn Open Sandwich consisting of a single slice of wheaten bread, a smattering of prawns in Marie Rose sauce and a, so-called, full salad which would have been out-classed by the garnish served at most restaurants)! The service was also poor especially when they forgot two-thirds of our 3 item drinks order!? I've heard that this Hotel and Restaurant has been recently purchased by Bill Wolsey (of Merchant Hotel, Belfast fame) so I'm hoping these issues will be addressed. Until then though, I fear I won't be returning!

Information and Contact Details

Food Type
10 The Strand
County Down
Post Code

Food Hygiene Rating Score

Food Standards Agency Rating

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