Nupur Tandoori

12 Comments | Last Updated 21st June 2010 | Added 18th April 2008 | Edit Details | Edit Photos | Edit Menus

Nupur Tandoori

Nupur Tandoori in East Belfast

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Food Type
93 Cregagh Road
County Antrim
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Customer Comments and Reviews of Nupur Tandoori

There now follows 12 comments about Nupur Tandoori. You can also (no signup required).

I searched and searched for an Indian Restaurant worthy of the name - found a couple of ok ones, nothing that came close to the type of quality you get in London, until i found this one.

Without doubt the best Indian food I have found anywhere in Ireland!

Submitted by Danny P on 28th June 2010

great food and very friendly staff xx

Submitted by suzanne on 21st June 2010

Thoroughly recommend this to anyone

Submitted by Dave on 21st June 2010

Amazing food and service. My favourite!

Submitted by Rose on 17th April 2010

Fantastic food and staff, as good as anything in Southhall (Litte Asia) Greater London. now go every week!

Submitted by Derek P on 9th April 2010

Been to the Nupur many times. The food is excellent, the service is very good and it's great value too! My favourite Indian restaurant.

Submitted on 28th January 2010

A fine choice the only indian restaurant in belfast worth talking about,true friendly customer service and freshly prepared food every time without fail. Couldnt recommend NUPUR TANDORI enough

Submitted by mr noel on 12th November 2009

The chicken shashlik is delicious and worth the wait which we were expecting because as were advised in advance it simply takes longer to prepare properly and freshly. The restaurant is a bit chilly in cold weather but the food and service compensate well for this.The chef used to work in Shimla Pinks the highly regarded Indian restaurant in Birmingham.I hope they stick around as food is so good.

Submitted by Diaspora on 29th October 2009

Being from London, which is fairly well regarded as the finest city outside anywhere in India, for Indian food, and as someone who has tried almost every Indian Restaurant in Belfast before finding this one and had given up eating Indian food whilst in Ireland because of the constant dissapointments, trust me when I say I know good Indian food when I eat it, and this place is absolutely fantastic.

Submitted by Danny on 16th October 2009

Been there on few family occasions. I have found the food and the service very impressive. Price was reasonable and the washrooms are clean and tidy as well.

If you want to have a nice meal with friends or family, then Nuput Tandoori is highly recommended.

Submitted by Akhand on 24th September 2009

One of the best Indian restaurants in Belfast. A little slow but worth the wait - very fresh! My choice every time.

Submitted by David on 18th July 2009

Fantastic Food and Service at a very reasonable price. Its became my first stop for an Indian take-away in East Belfast.

Submitted on 23rd February 2009

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