
9 Comments | Last Updated 18th June 2024 | Added 16th May 2008 | Edit Details | Edit Photos | Edit Menus


Muriel's Cafe Bar on Church Lane is the Sister Bar of the Spainard Bar

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Food Type
12-14 Church Lane
County Antrim
Post Code

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Customer Comments and Reviews of Muriels

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I love it!

Submitted on 6th September 2011

I visit Muriel's for the cocktails (Their Miliners Mix has ruined all other cocktails for me, it's amazing), but I've eaten lunch there once or twice and the food seems great as well. In regards to the staff, they're all lovely. They provide such a fun, relaxed atmosphere. Muriel's is definitely one of Belfast's greatest gems.

Submitted on 19th April 2011

I went to this bar with my family and i must say the food was very disappointing.

Firstly the menu failed to impress in terms of the choice of food on offer, along with not fully explaining the meals/dishes.

Secondly the service was also terrible, there was one waitress and she was taking orders and also in charge of bringing the food and drink to the table. At this time the resturant was not busy yet it took an hour for our food to arrive at the table. I ordered the special, which was "pan seared seabass on a bed of crispy potatoes with pesto and cherizo dressing" when ordering this meal i asked the waitress what the crispy potatoes were and she was unable to give specific details of how they were cooked.

Thirdly when the meal finally arrived the portion quanity was very small. The potatoes were not crispy, but indeed greasy and cold and the fish was also cold and lacked flavour.

Lastly I'm 18 and not a major food critic, but i am a trainee chef and the food was very very disappointing. The overall service and experience was that dreadful that i will not be recommending this place to anyone else and I certainly won't be eating food from this resturant again.

Submitted by Tom Wright on 11th September 2010

the food seems inconsistent! u have changes with the chefs all the time?.......urghhh......bad3x

Submitted by eric on 10th September 2010

Fab bar with atmosphere tasty food and an eclectic clientele well worth a visit.

Submitted by Liam w on 5th September 2009

Decided to eat here before going on to pubs. Had heard through friend of friend but didn't know anything about the place. Really quaint inside, a bit like sitting in someone's old front room. Some great cocktails on the go if you are into them. Wondered do you add your washing to the line before or after?? A couple of us had salmon and it was fantastic, really nicely presented and the sweet pototoes were fab as well. Sticky toffee pudding was to die for. On the downside, there were not enough veg to fill me up but maybe I am just greedy!! Service was great and staff were very friendly and attentive. Would not hesitate in giving it another go. Probably shouldn't recommend it too highly or everyone else will get in there before me next time.

Submitted by All the single ladies on 20th April 2009

My husband and I decided to be tourists in our own city and dropped in for brunch and a coffee. We had eggs benedict with just perfect poached eggs served on muffins, lapped in hollandaise sauce and served with bacon. Fantastic. The staff were really friendly with good, unobstrusive service. Overheard a brilliant line from a customer who dropped by to retrieve his coat. He said "I lost my coat, keys and self respect last night". Made us wonder just what kind of night he had! Too early for drink when we were there but will be back to try the Gin. Upstairs like a cosy boudoir. Followed the brunch with a brisk walk along the Lagan in winter sunshine. Bliss.

Submitted by kate on 25th January 2009

Spend time this weekend in Muriels - fantastic atmosphere, staff, food and wine. Would highly recommend this venue for the middle class person (s) seeking a place to simply 'be'. Well done !

Submitted by Amanda on 14th December 2008

Having walked past this new establishment once or twice, curiousity finally got the better of me. The buzz of people sitting in the outside area chatting leads you into a somewhat small but cosy bar area. I was not sure what drink i wanted, but that was soon rectified by the young lady who served me, she told me about their speciality drinks, of which i chose G Vine gin and organic tonic. I was seated and drink brought over. Mosrt impressed with my new find!! Top marks for friendlyness, speed of service and just for being that little bit different.

Submitted by AJ. Gallagher on 8th October 2008

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