
2 Comments | Last Updated 28th July 2016 | Added 19th April 2008 | Edit Details | Edit Photos | Edit Menus


Liberty?s in Bradbury Place. Typical chippy that offers burgers, fish etc... Meal deals are available as well.

Libertys has now closed.

Information and Contact Details

Food Type
Bradbury Place
County Antrim
Post Code

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Customer Comments and Reviews of Libertys

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it used to be good then all of a sudden loads of imports started working there and they could NOT speak 1 word of english!

I asked for fish bites and they gave me a fish (waited 35 mins btw) i took it back and said it was wrong so she handed it to the idiot in the back and the same box and portion came back 5 mins later ripped into little bits as an attempt to pass it off as fish bites and not just my fish ripped up into little bits??!?!


Submitted by Tony on 18th May 2008

Myself and my friends were out on a stag night two weeks. We had the misfortune of eating out of this dump. Food was undercooked, service was horrendous and the hygine in the buidling definitly needs improving. Meanwhile the manager was drunk and sluring abuse at customers. for future reference to all pub revellers leave the club early and make it to bishops that was our one and only mistake.

Submitted on 20th April 2008

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