
1 Comments | Last Updated 11th March 2010 | Added 7th May 2008 | Edit Details | Edit Photos | Edit Menus


LeWinters Restaurant at Strangford Hotel offers award winning food and drink in friendly and relaxed surroundings.

Information and Contact Details

Food Type
92 Church Street, Strangford Arms Hotel
County Down
Post Code
BT23 4AL

Food Hygiene Rating Score

Food Standards Agency Rating

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Customer Comments and Reviews of LeWinters

There now follows 1 comments about LeWinters. You can also (no signup required).

went to lewinters with my husband and two sons for a family meal and the treatment we received was nothing short of a farce as my husband does not eat potatoes we asked to substitute the side order of chips etc. for onion rings costing the same price ?2.50 we were told that this was not possible as the side order of chips etc. was free . I know that this is not the case as the side order is calculated in on the price of the order .We left and went to the saltwater brig and were able to get our order no problem lewinters lost out on at least ?100 . We won't be back to lewinters but will highly recommend the saltwater brig to everyone !!!!!!!!!!!!

Submitted on 10th August 2009

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