
1 Comments | Last Updated 28th November 2016 | Added 18th June 2008 | Edit Details | Edit Photos | Edit Menus


Gardiners in Magherafelt

Closed Monday
Tuesday to Friday 5.30 ? 10pm
Sat 5.30 - 10.30
Sunday 12.30 ? 3pm- 5 - 9pm

Information and Contact Details

Food Type
7 Garden Street
County Londonderry
Post Code
BT45 5DD

Food Hygiene Rating Score

Food Standards Agency Rating

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Customer Comments and Reviews of Gardiners

There now follows 1 comments about Gardiners. You can also (no signup required).

We were attracted by their web site so decided to visit. Beautiful restuarant no expense spared on the decor but it all went wrong when the food was served! One starter was very overcooked(rubber prawns) second starter luke warm. The mains (steak and fish) were well cooked but lacked presentation. You would expect better at the prices charged. We didnt stay for sweet and voted with our feet. Over all a very dissapointing meal.

Submitted by Anne Sweeny on 25th July 2008

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