Central Winebar

4 Comments | Last Updated 20th May 2008 | Added 20th May 2008 | Edit Details | Edit Photos | Edit Menus

Central Winebar

A first class restaurant. beautiful decor and first class service. good selection on menu including local produce.

Information and Contact Details

Food Type
12 Ann Street
County Antrim
Post Code
BT54 6AD

Food Hygiene Rating Score

Food Standards Agency Rating

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Customer Comments and Reviews of Central Winebar

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Where do I begin, we had heard a few friends raving about The Central Winebar in Ballycastle.......so we decided to book a table last saturday for 7 of us. Upon arrival, our first impressions was "Wow!" The bar area was very modern and vibrant and had a buzz to it. We were greeted with lovely helpful staff that lead us to a beautifuly decorated restaurant that just seemed to have the perfect ambiance. The menu itself gave plenty of choice and you felt that no matter what you ate was going to be an adventure. Needless to say, we had an outstanding meal...one of the best in a very long time. The presentation of the food was excellent and each course was jumping with colour. The food just melted in your mouth...and was extremely tasty. We weren't disappointed with any of the courses and all 7 of our party thoroughly enjoyed our first experience at The Central Winebar. I would have no hesitation in recommending this little gem of an establishment to family and friends and we will definitely be back there again.

Submitted by Caroline - Limavady on 11th April 2010

After hearing all the local so called hype about the establishment we decided to visit it.

Upon arrival it took the waitress ten minutes to seat us despite our insistence that we had to be sitting soon as we had elderly relatives with us.

There was no good guidance whatsoever from the staff about menu options with very little product knowledge about either food or beverage.

However it should be noted that the decor inside was lovely and there was a great atmosphere.

When our food arrived we didn't make a fuss as we were with family but courses were a mix of over seasoned, over cooked and bland at times.

This is a rather unfortunate situation as, with some good training and a few menu tweeks, this good be a good establishment, something that Ballycastle is crying out for in recent years.

A touch more attentiveness, finesse and properly cooked veg would go a long way!!

Submitted by Local on 25th June 2009

i was in ballycastle for a weekend break a few weeks ago and stumbled across this lovely little pub on the main street it looked very inviting and family oriented from the outside so i took my children in, in the hope that i was able to get them something to eat. inside was a lovely pub, then i was taken upstairs to eat and was amazed by the beautiful modern restauant that they had. the staff were very attentive and very good to my children who need a lot of entertaing as they get bored very easily. the menu was absolutley fantastic the only problem was that everything on the menu looked and sounded so beautiful that i didnt know what to choose but again the staff were on hand to tell me about the different dishes and help me to decide. the children's menu was very good as it had everything you would expect. when my food came down it looked just as delicious as it tasted i litterly cleaned my plate as did my children. i would most definatly recommend that you give it a try. it has a great buzz about it and the staff are very helpful and the bill was vey suprizing as it was much less than i thought i would have to pay for the food and the service that i got. please please please if you are in ballycastle for whatever reason try the Central Wine Bar to round of your trip, you will be missing out on the best oof Ballycastle if you dont.

Submitted by Passer By on 11th May 2009

After hearing so much about the central winebar i decided to try it for myself. I was not disappointed. The food, the service the atmosphere was excellent. I would have no hesitation in recommending this restaurant to anyone but dont just take my word on it, try it and see. You wont be disappointed.

Submitted by Firstimer. on 20th April 2009

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